Exorcist kidnapped and fondled

Exorcist kidnapped and fondled #QZaU8cPi
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Unsafe OP #1 #anime #penis #figure #figurine #cock #action #toy #peniswithtoy #doll #exorcist #precum #2 "Oh hi! Are you new around here?" #3 "Wait, what are you d-?" #4 "Huh? No I don't-!" #5 "You're being too rough, let me go!" #6 "There are two? No, please-!" #7 Her arms are pulled away from her chest- #8 -and held in place while the second creature feels her breast. #9 It slowly runs itself down her body as she tries to break free. #10 "Why are you touching me like thi-" #11 "Unyeee!" #12 It stops after it has its fill, but she isn't relieved. #13 The creatures ease their grip. #14 "...I didn't like that." #15 "..." #16 "...oh. You're not done with me?" #17 "Wait, is that-?" #18 "You're bringing me to my pet? Maybe you're not so bad after all!" #19 "You have no idea how glad I am to see you!" #20 "Maybe we can all get along!" #21 She curls up, worn out from her ordeal, and falls asleep. #22 She settles in against her pet's warm pillow. #23 "...keep each other safe..." she mumbles, gathering her pet under her head. #24 "...together forever." #25 Bonus shot of how leaky I was getting during the photoshoot.
Unsafe OP A bit of both, depends on the story and if the pictures are easy to take. Contact helps, but sometimes I need a bunch of tries before I get a good angle, and then I have to make myself hard again.
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